
We believe the right nutrition can be a powerful part of your arsenal in your fight against cancer.

Whether you’ve just been diagnosed, are undergoing treatment or are in remission, nutrition can play a major role in your health and wellbeing. Food is so much more than fuel, it is information for your body and by adding in the right micro and phytonutrients, you are giving your body the best tools possible to help it beat cancer.

Whilst there is no one-size-fits-all ‘perfect’ diet, there are some basic principles that can help most people. Adding in as many different vegetables in a wide range of colours, is a great place to start. Aim to build up your veg intake to 7-10 portions per day and try to include as much variety as possible. 

Another brilliant trick, to increase the anti-cancer power of your diet is to use as many herbs and spices as possible. And they don’t all have to be fresh. Dried herbs and spices still contain powerful antioxidants which can help your body fight cancer cells. again, the key is variety. We are only just discovering many of the thousands of phytonutrients in plants and each of them provides slightly different health benefits.

Reducing those things that make your body work harder can also have a big impact. Minimising the sugar in your diet, which has been shown to promote cancer cell growth, is a good start. Also reduce toxins by choosing organic food where possible and drinking filtered water, avoiding plastics and reducing the chemicals you use on your body. All of these ‘environmental’ factors can impact your gene expression and play a role in cancer.

Here at We Get It, we provide workshops, talks, information and recipes to help you maximise the benefits of your diet.


We know that gentle exercise can lift your mood and make you feel healthier, stronger and ready to face whatever comes next. We all have different levels of stamina, energy and capacity for movement, and cancer treatment can impact us in many different ways. If you’ve had surgery, your exercise and rehabilitation needs are likely to be different from those who have had other treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

At We Get It, we recognise that your needs are individual. As well as offering a range of group sessions, we can direct you to trusted local experts who have experience of working with cancer patients, both during and after treatment.


Bath offers some incredibly beautiful walks and we highly recommend the Bath Nordic Walking group. Sarah Lillywhite is a fantastic personal trainer and Nordic Walking coach with lots of experience working with people during and after cancer treatment.

Benefits of Nordic Walking:

  • Effective and enjoyable

  • Suitable for any age or fitness level, from those with medical issues to the super fit

  • If you’re recovering from a mastectomy, Nordic Walking can help with your upper body mobility and movement

Exercise during & after cancer 

We love Anna Barton’s personal training services for people living with and beyond cancer. Anna had treatment for early stage breast cancer in 2018 and says: “I know that my pre-existing fitness levels hugely helped my recovery journey. I want to help others who are facing or going through treatment for cancer as well as those whose treatment is over, and wish to regain strength and fitness gently and in a manageable and safe way.”

Anna qualified as a specialist in helping people with cancer in 2019 and offers:

  • Personal training at your home, in your garden or another place convenient to you

  • Personal training at the fully equipped FLY Fitness in Bath or her own premises in Weston, Bath. She transports all of the latest training equipment required to achieve your goals.

  • Virtual/online training is also available so you can train with Anna from anywhere around the world or on holiday.


We recommend Olivia Core - Yoga for Cancer. Oliva is a qualified, experienced Hatha Yoga teacher and Lymphoedema Therapist who supports people living with & beyond cancer.

Benefits of Yoga:

  • A gentle way to manage cancer recovery

  • Increases physical and mental wellbeing

  • Promotes flexibility around the hip region

  • Helps relieve worry and stress about upcoming appointments and scans


The team consists of Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists based at the RUH. The service aims to empower you to move forwards positively in your life and to provide you with the tools and support to prepare for treatment, self-manage symptoms of cancer and cancer treatment, enhance your recovery or live well with your diagnosis.

The Therapies Oncology Team Services include:

  • Individual Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy clinics.

  • Hydrotherapy sessions.

  • Moving On Up exercise class (via Zoom).

  • Nordic Walking group Thursdays 2pm Victoria Park.

  • Lung prehab exercise class (via Zoom) .

  • HOPE (Help Overcoming Problems Effectively) group sessions

  • Stretch and Breathe exercise class Fridays 11.15pm RUH gym

  • Signposting to other support

Please speak to a member of your oncology or haematology team to be referred to the service or contact The Therapies Oncology Team directly phone 01225 821241 or email

Emotional support

When someone asks how you are, what do you say? Cancer can take you through so many emotions that it’s sometimes easier to say “I’m fine, thanks”. But if you’re not, help is out there.

You can access emotional support at any time: on the day of diagnosis, during treatment or when you’re in remission. Even if you’ve made it to the end of your treatment feeling ok, the reality of what’s happened can hit hard, and it’s never too late to ask for support.

Organisations that can help
We have links with local counselling services for cancer patients and their carers, fantastic organisations that offer vital support to the Bath community, and beyond.

Our incredible local hospice Dorothy House not only provides care and support at its beautiful Winsley hospice, but also in the community.

Charities such as Cancer Research and Macmillan offer counselling over the phone. If you’d prefer to see someone in Bath, get in touch with We Hear You (WHY), a fantastic organisation that provides specialist counselling and emotional support for children and adults affected or bereaved by cancer, or any life-threatening condition.

For group therapy, courses on emotional support and alternative treatments, all in a beautiful setting, we strongly recommend Penny Brohn in Bristol. This is what our founder Laura said after attending their living well course and treatment support clinic:

“When I arrived at Penny Brohn, I felt a sense of relief, safety and comfort. I attended the treatment support clinic and from the word go I loved the ‘whole person’ approach. To be understood, supported and to have someone listen to my questions was the most valuable tool in my cancer diagnosis. During cancer treatment, you want to be surrounded by people that care, support and understand your needs. Penny Brohn gives you all of that and the benefits for your mind, body and spirit are unbelievable. It changed my life and attitude towards cancer and helped me on my emotional journey.”

Support from us
People who love and support you through your cancer treatment have the very best intentions. They might turn up at your door with Googled info or a bag of supplements they’ve heard can help manage side effects. You know they’re trying their best, but you may still feel like you’re alone and that nobody understands.

That’s why we run regular support groups to allow people to cry, scream, laugh, relax and offload. We offer a safe space to express your fears without upsetting your loved ones. It’s also a great way to learn how others cope with challenges you’re facing, such as managing energy levels, getting through chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment, or using wellness tips for recovery.